maandag 3 mei 2010

USA Experience

Flight to Boston, USA
Departure last week, flying from Amsterdam via Reykjavik, to Boston and where the rest of Europe was opening finally their airspaces, Iceland then suddenly closed all air traffic to and from Reykjavik. Gladly they moved their operations for a week to Glasgow so I was able to fly into Boston with only a 6 hours delay ;-(((

A week at NH University
Starting Monday, we followed classes, worked our Cases and presented our findings. Also visiting 2 NH-based companies was interesting to do. Although procurement sample cases were not that innovative as maybe expected, it was very nice to see the US approach to similar problems. Concluding the week last Friday, we flew back via Reykjavik, this time without delays.

Results and effects
Despite the amounts and choices in food, I managed to keep my weight, possibly also because of the numerous sporting moments in the university gym. Side effect of staying active is that the jet-lag hardly hit me. I also got many ideas when discussing the various cases to include in my current projects at work. A fruitful and fun week therefore !