woensdag 17 maart 2010

Cultural Changes

Always curious about working with other cultures I have also experienced the pitfalls as being Dutch ;-) Being open and direct is regarded a value here in our small country and we have an opinion on each and everyone. The same approach is working contra-productive with our Belgian colleagues. More reserved, not speaking about their private lives and awaiting the decision of the manager before acting is rather different than we are used to work. Even with my experience of the past 20 years in working with different nationalities, I all the more prefer exploring new persons and trying to contact them. Meanwhile I learned that although I am opening up towards someone, I may not automatically expect someone else to act alike. That's the difference, still remain yourself but do not try to change the other.

Over time, I have learned as well that most of the times, it's better to give first and hope for something to receive later, not expect but hope. If something doesn't come back, you can again decide yourself if you wish to give more or leave it as it is. Clearly stating what you expect from the other is not something you do in e.g. Belgium or France but to my kids I sometimes have to. However, even there I try to change between "Dutch" and other cultures, sometimes direct and clear, sometimes rather "vague" and just see what happens. Sometimes not what you expected but just as funny to see how a kids brain works.

Why shouldn't I do such changing of communicating with my colleagues as well, makes it more varied and leaves room for unexpected surprises. It's a good wish or intent to do so, now I just have to act accordingly --> which requires self-discipline and flexibility. I hope I can meet my own expectations, let's see in a couple of weeks when I read this back.

Regards and good luck Marco

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Marco - you make a great point! As an American doing business in Europe for decades now, I've found that I "connect" very quickly with people of certain nationalities (Dutch, British), while business relationships with those of other nationalities others take much longer. This is evidenced by you and I connecting on a short flight from AMS to Geneva! :-) Hope you and your family are well!

    Met vriendelijke groeten,
    Todd O'Heron

  2. Hi Marco,

    Leuke site!
    Wat heb je met sky diven? Is dat een foto waar je zelf op staat?

    Cultuur en veranderingen is interessant.
    Wil wel een keer met je over filosoferen

